Here's a knife that's a little different from my normal line of work. I'll have this at the Blade show table 5-O if you want to take a closer look. It was inspired by a gift I received while on vacation visiting Taiwan this past December. One of Jimmy Chin's friends presented me with a handmade slipjoint folder called the Shi-Lin cutter. The roots of the knife began in China and the family who was making the knife moved to Taiwan where their knives are still made today. While visiting their shop I was informed their waiting list is 3 years long for this highly sought after folder which can be obtained with either stag or buffalo horn handles.
I made a design change to keep the blade's edge from making contact with the backspring when the blade snaps closed. I engineered a "Positve Stop" to eliminate this issue.
I made some mosaic damascus as a tribute to the roots of this Shi-Lin knife. I call the steel pattern "China Checkerboard" which is the word China some 142 times with some very tight surrounding W radials. The handle scales are stabilized green mammoth attached with gold colored 18-8 stainless steel spline screws. I chose green mammoth because this knife is sometimes called the "egg plant knife" due to its handle shape. The backspring is twist damascus using 1095 and 15n20. Liners are gold anodized 6al4v titanium with some tight vine filework. The bolsters have a traditional Chinese window inlayed with 24 carat gold wire. The wide blade is 3.5" with an opened length of 7.75" The blade pivot is hardened stainless with the blade riding on .005" berillium copper washers.
Please excuse the very low resolution montage photos. They were done using only a cell phone camera and some photo shop. Frank, a knifemaking student from Taiwan who has been with me in my shop for the last 3 weeks did the images. Frank will be traveling to his first Blade show with me in a few days. I thought his photos looked pretty good for cell phone shots but he apologizes for the low res.
All comments are welcome. See you all in Atlanta in a few days.
最近刀界掀起了一波士林刀的旋風,不論是美國Blade Forums上對Microtec的鯨鯊折刀的評論,還是刀友們對最近士林的的身世所做的論辯與考據,加上這把由我的老師 Ron所完成的士林刀,士林刀無疑是今年刀界最夯的話題之一。
這個故事要由去年的台北刀展說起了,2011年底的台北刀展,Ron 來台北參展與旅遊,刀友Blade Yang贈送他一把郭合記製作的士林刀;我也在台北刀展上認識Ron,跟他說明了我的志向後,他說願意教我做刀,今年四月我飛到美國,向Ron學習製刀時,Ron說他對去年Blade Yang送他的士林折刀一直念念不忘,很想做一把Ron Newton版本的士林刀,成為整個故事的開端。
雖然是依據傳統的做法,以slip joint的方式來製作,不過Ron在結構上做了些改良,使得刀具更加優秀。
原理很簡單,就是在刀身的轉軸處,增加一個positive stop。這個結構的功能是將刀身卡住,使刀刃不置於碰到背部的彈簧。Ron很大方地方享了這個技術,他說希望將這個作為禮物給台灣的刀友們,尤其希望能回饋給製作士林刀的郭氏家族。
選擇了龜裂紋的那一片作為presention side。
這把士林折刀名為Window of China。在設計之時,Ron希望能在boster上,鑲嵌一些具有中國風格的紋樣。當時考慮了很多,最後想到我的母校台灣藝術大學附近的林家花園裡,各式各樣的窗花。所以就決定以中國窗花的概念,做了24K金的鑲嵌。
一把堪稱當代經典,由美國MS刀匠-Ron Newton所製作,以ABS工法呈現的士林刀就此誕生。而我不僅見證了一件鉅作的誕生,也參與了部份的設計感到餘有榮焉。希望有昭一日能像Ron一樣做出許多優秀的作品。